Wednesday 22 February 2012

Where I am up to

Over the last six weeks, me and my group have been concentrating solely on the filming of our product, and the post production editing of it, this has taken up most of the class time, and a lot of time our of school to complete. The filming took up several days on weekends to gather all of the necessary footage,  and then a few lessons of class time to film very small sections like close ups. The editing of the film has taken about five weeks of class time, this is because I had to watch the film back and choose where certain transitions/effects should be put in place, and this took a lot of time. The importing of sound also took about two weeks to do, for instance we spent a lot of time searching for a sound track that we might have used, however we were unable to find a sound track that would have fit with our film/dialogue and genre, however we did find some sound effects which work very well for the genre of the film, one such example is a heartbeat that we have used which is very fitting with the genre as it builds suspense.

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