Wednesday 22 February 2012

Problems, Decisions and Changes

 Whilst filming we encountered a few problems which then had to be changed, the first example of this would be the lighting, initially we wanted the lighting to be quite a low key light, however the camera's were unable to pick up everything that we wanted as the room was too dark, this meant that we had to make our film a bit lighter so that the camera is able to pick up the actors and the room, we have done the lighting in such a way that it still gives a thriller feel, which was hard to do in a fairly well lit room. Another problem that we encountered was that initially we were going to film in one of the group members garage as it seemed perfect location, however we were unable to this as it was too hard to work around the items in the garage, this meant that we were forced to use a different group members garage. A change that we made was the jump cuts, originally we only planned to have about five in one scene, however now we have about 13 spread over two scenes with jump cuts, this was to add pace and suspense. Another change that we made was to the eye scene, originally we had an internet dial up sound playing in the background while numbers flashed up on the eye, however feedback from the class showed that this was one of the worst bits of our film, we completely changed it to have a sort of light tunnel into the centre of the eye, with a high pitched suction noise over the top, this is now concidered one of the best scenes.

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