Monday 19 December 2011

Filming plan, Roles and responsibilities

Planning of filming roles
   We haven’t been able to establish a complete schedule of when we are filming due to other commitments like work which is difficult to get time off due to the time of year. However we do know that we will be filming between Tuesday the 27th and January 3rd. Dates we currently can't film are Monday 26th December, Wednesday 28th December and Saturday 31st December
Roles and responsibilities:
Mark Northcott- Director, Cameraman, Editor
Thomas Ryder- Actor, Editor
Thomas riley- Actor, Editor
Arthur Scholes-Furness- Actor, Editor
We are all going to be involved in the production of the film, as well as this we will all bring props, makeup, costumes we need. Each costume the actor is wearing is their own.
Mark will provide the rope, the sac (the one to go on Arthur’s head) and the car (my dad’s car which he will drive)
Ryder will provide the fake blood and tape player.
Riley will provide the chair and filming location (we are using his garage)
Arthur will provide the gun and the torch

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