Tuesday 29 November 2011

Media Questionnaire Analysis

To find out research on what other people thought to the ideas in our pitch about what our film was about, I created a number of questionnaires and handed them out to various people for them to fill in. The questions on the questionnaires were all related to ideas for our film, so individually I had to give the pitch to the people who the questionnaire was given to.
The first question was "what do you think of the overall plot?" Out of the five people that I asked, four people said that the plot sounded very entertaining and that they were intrigued by it. These people were all under the age of twenty five years old, however the person to say that it did not interest them was forty three years old, this shows, so far, that our film, and this particular genre as a whole mainly appeals to people that are of a younger age group. 
The second question we asked was "what do you think to the point  of which we join the film?" This means "what did they think to the stage in which our film starts" only three of the five people who we asked said that it was a good point to start the film , saying that it engages the audience straight away, however the other two said that it would confuse them, dropping them right into the action, this means that we may need to change the scene at which we introduce the film as to avoid confusion. 
The third question that we asked was "Which ideas could be improved" two of the five said that it was flawless and did not need improvement, however one of the others said that we should change where we enter the film as to avoid confusion, , another improvement was that apparently it sounds a bit boring so we could change the overall idea to something more exhilarating. The final piece of improvement that we could make would have been that there should be more characters, therefore being able to make more attachments to the characters, as at the time being we are only planning on having two characters that will be introduced. 
The fourth question was "what age group do you think our film is aimed at?" and gave them the possible answers of "15-18, 19-22, 23-27 and 28+" four people voted for 15-18 and only one person voted for 19-22, this shows that our film should definitely be aimed at the younger age group, as the majority stated this. 
The fifth  question we asked was "do we introduce the characters/plot/setting well?" Everyone we asked said that they thought we introduced every aspect very well, and that they feel they know everything that they need to know about the film.
The sixth question we asked was "will the main sequence of the film be able to continue from our opening sequence" meaning will it be able to flow into the main film well, three people said that it will flow straight into the main body of the film well. However the other two people we asked said that as it drops you right at the end and then flashes back, said that they would find it very confusing, and said that it will be incredibly hard to pull off effectively. 
The final question we asked was "does our opening sequence grip you as the viewer to watch the rest of the film" Four out of the people said that they found the plot to the film to be very gripping and that they would like to watch the rest of the film, however the forty three year old said that it would be uninteresting and very boring to watch, showing age difference again.
Overall we have found from the results that our plot would appeal very highly to the younger audience, but not so much to older people. Also we found that our plot might be a bit confusing, and that we should incorporate a few more characters. From this we now know what our audience is looking for, and we can make the appropriate changes.

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