Wednesday 30 November 2011

Film plot (altered)

The feedback that we got from our class for the first plot of our film was that it was far too action themed to be called a thriller, also we were told that it would be far to confusing, so within the rest of the group we decided to completely change the plot for our film to make it more thriller based, so this is what we came up with:
The opening sequence will entail a kidnap of young man who will be viscously interrogated. The start of the film shows the prisoner getting kidnapped, the rest of the opening sequence shows him been taken to a secret location where he will be interrogated. During this scene the prisoner will experience multiple flashbacks that are blended together to create a sense of confusion. We enter the film at stage 2 of Todorov's theory where the equilibrium is disrupted.

The main sequence of film shows the lead up to the events in the opening sequence. The scene will show his everyday life whilst letting the know he has been falsely accused. The opening is near the end of the narrative, so when the opening sequence is shown again in chronological order of the film, we will understand what is going on and why. The end will stick to the natural order of films with with narrative resolution where the prisoner is rescued and the villains taken down by law enforcement officers.

This is a lot more thriller based tan the last plot of our film, We also did a questionairre on this plot, and found that audience feedback felt a lot more like they would want to watch it in this plot.

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